I welcome
your vote
and your support

Would you like to volunteer,
get a sign,

or  help cover campaign costs with a donation?

Please use the contact information below to volunteer or post my election sign on your property.

Campaign donations are another way you can become directly involved.

If you would like to make a donation you can either:

  • Mail a cheque made out to Wayne Hill, 148 Glen Castle Rd, K7M 4N6 (you can put Campaign Donation on the memo line)
  • Or, you can choose to have me pick up the cheque in person. Just e-mail me your address and tell me when you would like me to call and I will drop by and pick it up.
  • Or, you can complete an e-transfer through your bank. You’ll need my email address and I’ll need your address so that I can send you a receipt. CLICK HERE and you’ll have the email address for the bank transfer and your email message to me will be ready for you to complete.


If you have any questions about the best way to make a campaign donation please call me directly at 613-532-1115.

Thank you so much for your support whether it is in the form of a donation, agreeing to place a sign on your lawn, spreading the word or ultimately casting your vote. Your support is very gratefully accepted!

Volunteer or Donate

Please mail your cheque to me —  or email me or call me and I’ll come by to pick up the cheque. Thanks very much.

Write to me: 148 Glen Castle Road, Kingston, Ontario, K7M 4N6

Call me
