Lakeside Priority:
Pursue expanded Daycare space
in Lakeside and City-wide

The hoped-for expansion in lower-cost daycare spaces has been slow to be realized.

I have heard from residents who are confused by the new Provincial/Federal supports to lower the cost of daycare space. A number of daycare providers have been reluctant to sign on to the provincial subsidy program.

I will ask that the Social Services department of the City of Kingston work with provincial counterparts and daycare providers

  • to encourage more facilities
  • to implement the provincial plan
  • to provide more spaces
  • and to assist in identifying locations throughout the districts that could host expanded daycare spaces.

With coordination we can ensure that parents can navigate the system and that they know how to identify where subsidized spaces are available here in Lakeside, and throughout the City. We need to assist daycare providers to publicize the availability of space on an open forum as more spaces become available.