In a City the size of Kingston
there are many demands on our tax dollars

Do we spend it in support of the poor, to house and feed those who are in need?

Do we spend on creating new infrastructure such as the third crossing, better roads, more parks and sidewalks?

How much should we spend on the arts, public safety, supporting local hospitals and health care?

What about the environment, recreation and opportunities for youth?

Should we try to make sure that we allow you to keep more of your hard-earned money in your own pocket – especially in a year that as difficult as this one has been.

When I was a young school administrator Sr. Clare Fitzgerald, an aunt of the late President John Fitzgerald Kennedy, once spoke to a group of us and she said it pretty clearly, “show me where you put your money and I’ll tell you what you care about.”

At the end of the day it really comes down to stewardship. As your representative on Council I try to keep the notion of stewardship foremost in mind as I contribute to the debate about how best to distribute the limited resources we have to accomplish the most good as we move forward as a community.

Lots of people will say that we often get it wrong and that’s fair. The City staff make a very significant effort at ensuring that the public at large have an enhanced opportunity to provide input into the budget – I hope you are able to take advantage of that.

At the end of my time on Council I hope that I will be remembered as a good steward and I welcome your assistance in guiding me in that task.