Lakeside will be the first district to develop
an Active Transportation Implementation Plan

Staff will consult with residents, walk the neighbourhood streets, look at travel patterns to work and school and for recreation and exercise and make recommendations on everything from speed limits to how traffic accesses streets to sidewalks and school routes.

I can say with absolute certainty that when I ran for Council I believed that there would be simple and easily implemented solutions to traffic calming in the area. I have learned since that this is far from the case.

For example:  four way stops actually increase the likelihood that drivers will not come to a full stop;  speed humps typically move traffic away from one street and compromise the safety of another; lower speed limits can set up an expectation for safe street crossing but is only effective if drivers adhere to them.

Traffic cameras are very expensive and there are issues of personal privacy as well as driver misidentification and increased police enforcement is very, very expensive.

We all look forward to this effort to use a research-based approach to providing real solutions to our transportation issues.