City Wide Priority:

Reintroduce street patrols and bring more harm-reduction staff to the downtown


Many people have commented to me on the issue of safety in the downtown and they worry that this issue is a deterrent to people who would like to shop, dine and enjoy all that the downtown has to offer.

There are a lot of complex issues at play here—not the least of which is the provision of accommodation for so many people who are currently unhoused and who congregate in the downtown.

Folks need assistance and we require the support of both the Ontario and federal governments to provide that help. However, our citizens need to feel safe in their own downtown.

I will push for the re-establishment of police officers who will walk beats throughout the downtown. They will be there to attend to the well-being and safety of all the people that are there.

In order to assist them in this effort I will also push for a significant increase in the number of HARMS staff. These are people specially trained to assist police in dealing with individuals who suffer from addictions and mental health issues.

I believe that this combination of enforcement and assistance will serve all of our citizens who use, enjoy and live in the downtown an added layer of personal comfort.