City Wide Priority:

Pursue taxation practices that will ensure that seniors are not taxed out of their homes 

Inflation is having an impact on all of us. Property values are rising in Kingston. Seniors on fixed income are particularly affected—in many cases their homes are their security.

The next Provincial re-assessment will reflect rising house prices and that could impact our taxes This combined with inflation and the temptation that will face some Councillors to simply raise taxes is a great concern. Seniors cannot afford the double whammy of increased prices for their daily needs and a dramatic tax increase.

The financial decisions that we make as a Council, going forward, must not have the effect of forcing seniors out of their homes. We must find solutions that moderate the need for tax increases.

  • We can expand our commercial base,
  • penalize developers who sit on land instead of developing it and by doing so create a new source of taxation
  • reward those who want to build by hastening the approval process so that the City can realize the taxes generated when these buildings and commercial properties are occupied.

I will push Council to expand its tax base by attracting and approving new business applications and by encouraging new housing developments that are a source of revenue for the City.  We will expand the tax base and make some real progress on our housing crisis.